Pandemic Book Delivery!

 on June 24, 2020

We hope you are staying buoyant as we navigate these turbulent waters together during these unprecedented times. We are grateful to you for supporting our IndieGogo campaign to gift Mermaid Dreams to the girls at Girls Inc. Since our last update, we couldn't imagine what would come next! In March we had a date to offer two Mermaid Dreams readings to the girls at the Goleta and Santa Barbara centers and gift them their books. Three days prior, on March 20, California schools and the Girls Inc. centers were shutdown, due to the pandemic. Fortunately, we were able to put our heads together with the Girls Inc. leadership and came up with a plan to mail the books to the girls at home. Many miracles happened along the way, and on Monday, we joined together and packed, stamped, sorted, bundled and mailed out all of the books! We are delighted to have completed the project you all supported so many months ago, gifting Mermaid Dreams to the girls from Girls Inc.! Thank you for being part of our team, your generosity, and sharing the happiness of our completed project!!!! Please see the photos attached!

Due to the high volume of submissions, we are only responding to those that align with our mission and current focus. Thank you for your interest in Seven Seas Press.
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