The Three Sunflowers/Los Tres GirasolesThe Three Sunflowers/Los Tres Girasoles


Seal of Excellence for an Educational Storybook

The Three Sunflowers received a Seal of Excellence for an Educational Storybook and a Preferred Choice Award for a Kids Storybook from Creative Child Magazine.

The Three Sunflowers/Los Tres Girasoles

written by
also available in english: The Three Sunflowers ukranian/english: Три Соняшники
Dedicated to La Virgen de Guadalupe, Los Tres Girasoles is the bilingual version of The Three Sunflowers. Gloria, the tall, wise and radiant sunflower, guides and reassures the young sunflowers, Florecita and Solecito, during a turbulent day in the garden. For ages 3-8. Paperback. More info below.

$ 14.95

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Seal of Excellence for an Educational Storybook

The Three Sunflowers received a Seal of Excellence for an Educational Storybook and a Preferred Choice Award for a Kids Storybook from Creative Child Magazine.

ADditional information


Los Tres Girasoles / The Three Sunflowers tells of a turbulent day in the garden where a trio of sunflowers—the tall, wise Gloria and young Florecita and Solecito—face unexpected and chaotic events they have no power to stop.

Through it all, Gloria guides and reassures the youngsters and reminds them of the purpose of a sunflower's life. After a dark night of uncertainty, the story concludes with a delightful surprise ending.

This unique and inspiring book offers empowering messages of hope, courage and peace, with new perspectives for living in an unpredictable world. For ages 3-8.

Praise for this book

“En bellas palabras e ilustraciones, Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe, personificada como una sabia girasol, enseña a los jóvenes cómo encontrar la paz dentro de sí mismos.”

“In gorgeous words and illustrations, Our Lady of Guadalupe, personified as a wise sunflower, teaches the young ones how to find peace inside themselves.”

BIRD MEJIA, Award-winning Poet, Teacher, and Author of Wild Woman at My Door

Los Tres Girasoles presenta metáforas de vida, en una manera hermosa y a través de los ojos de plantas, aves y todo lo que vive en un jardín.”

The Three Sunflowers presents beautiful metaphors of life, through the eyes of plants, birds and all living things in a garden.”

JADE LEYVA, Artist and Founder/Coordinator: Seeds: A Collective Voice/The Community Seed Project

Additional Information

Additional information

Age Range


Number of pages







Discussion and Activities Guide

The Three Sunflowers/Los Tres GirasolesThe Three Sunflowers/Los Tres Girasoles
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