Fundraiser to Donate Books to Ukrainian Children

In the spirit of our non-profit mission, Seven Seas Press is launching a fundraiser to send copies of our latest book — Три Соняшники ~The Three Sunflowers (a bilingual Ukrainian-English edition)—to children affected by the war in Ukraine.

I believe The Three Sunflowers will offer the light of hope during these difficult times we are enduring together, and will be a source of strength and support not only for children, but also for adults.

Iryna Demchyshyna, Translator

"Such a sweet story...the themes of sharing and being less wasteful are important and here they are skillfully conveyed in a story which is endearing, compelling and a lot of fun."

The Northern Mudlarks on YouTube

"A beautiful mix of magical storytelling and fascinating facts, this book conveys the meaningful message that true belonging lies in honoring who you are."

Emmy-winning journalist and author

"Mermaid Dreams is a beautiful story full of the rich culture of the Yoruba and wisdom of the Orisha. Though written for children, adults will enjoy the amazing art and delightful writing."

Yemoja Priestess and Award-Winning Journalist

"Why Am I is soothing as a lullaby.
Conceived as a book for children,
this is one of those poetic pieces
that is likely to become a comforting
adult favorite as well."

BEVERLY ABRAMS, Mother, Lifeling Educator & School Founder

"A lovely story that addresses loss, with beautiful illustrations! The open-ended nature of the ending allows children to interpret it in the way that makes sense from their own experience."

Moonlit Consulting, Former E.D. at Storyteller Children's Center

"A timely tale with an inspiring and hopeful message."

Best-selling Author of the Chicken Soup for the Soul Series

“Janet Lucy and Terri Allison created a menu of meaning and delight. They pass on this comforting idea: Even through adolescence, you can stay close to your daughter. Hallelujah!”

Best-selling author of The Woman’s Comfort Book

“From what I have heard and observed many women yearn to belong to a women’s circle … for patriarchy to change, there has to be a millionth circle.”

from The Millionth Circle—How to Change Ourselves and the World

“Walk towards what you don’t know, and the moon will take you there.”


"Estamos muy contentos de tener este libro en nuestra tienda de juegos, con una gran juego de cartas incluido que coincide con la historia! ¡Muy divertido!" 

Owner / Game Seeker

"Un hermoso libro escrito en un momento difícil, cuando la contaminación plástica se está convirtiendo en una de las mayores amenazas para el futuro de nuestra vida marina. Makana Es Un Regalo  les recuerda a los lectores que la vida es preciosa y que nunca deben perder la esperanza."

Presidenta y Fundadora, COPROT Tortugas de Osa, Costa Rica

"¡Quiero que lo vean todos los niños para que puedan conectarse con la magia que llevan dentro!”
"I would like all children to read this book, so they can connect with the magic they carry within!"

XÓCHITL LÓPEZ, Mother and Engineering Professor

"¡Janet Lucy teje bellamente la historia de una chica real con miedos reales en la historia de la Diosa del Océano, Yemaya".
"Janet Lucy beautifully weaves the story of a real girl with real fears into the tale of the
Ocean Goddess, Yemaya."

BIRD MEJIA, Award-winning Author of Wild Woman at My Door

"Mis hijos escucharon atentamente desde la primera página, y aprecié mucho las excelentes
preguntas de discusión."
"My sons listened intently from the very first page, and I so appreciate the great discussion questions.”

Mama of two lively boys, Author, Founder of Human HQ®

“Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe, personificada como una sabia girasol, enseña a los jóvenes cómo encontrar la paz dentro”.
“Our Lady of Guadalupe, personified as a wise sunflower, teaches the young ones how to find
peace within.”

BIRD MEJIA, Award-winning Author of Wild Woman at My Door

"Selbert's debut novel chronicles an immigrant's journey from the Dutch Caribbean island of Curaçao to Hollywood in the '70s. An engaging, sincere and powerful account of an immigrant family chasing the American dream."


Our Non-Profit

Every time you buy a book from us, donate, or support one of our campaigns, you help us get books into children's lives. To learn more, please click below.

Welcome to Seven Seas Press

We're so glad to meet you ...

In January 2018 Seven Seas Press set sail around a marigold table in a Caribbean-colored house in Santa Barbara, California. Together, we, the co-founders, conceived of Seven Seas Press as a non-profit publishing company with a vision and a mission. Our authors, artists and translators collaborate to explore and reflect the richness and depth of our diverse humanity. We create and publish books to illuminate, inspire, nurture and comfort both children and adults in our ever-changing and often unpredictable world. 

Through our charitable foundation we partner with local and international organizations, and raise funds to donate books to children who might otherwise not have access to them. Every time you buy a book from us, donate, or support one of our campaigns, you help us get books into children's lives. 

Please pull up a chair, peruse our books, listen to read-alouds, and check out our latest news. Oh, and please follow us on social media to stay in touch, links are in the header and footer of this site.

We thank you for your visit and your support! 

Erika, Colleen and Janet

Our Books

The Crazy Old Maid - And How She Became Known as Flora ~ The Quite Sane, Age Defying, Domestic Goddess

$ 14.95$ 18.95

This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page

Makana is a Gift

$ 14.95$ 18.95

This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page

Mermaid Dreams

$ 14.95

Why Am I

$ 14.95$ 18.95

This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page

La Vieja Criada Loca - Y Cómo Se Hizo Conocida Como: FLORA La Bastante Sana, Desafíadora de Edad, Diosa Doméstica

$ 14.95$ 18.95

This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page

Makana es un Regalo

$ 14.95$ 18.95

This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page

Por Qué Soy/Why Am I

$ 14.95$ 18.95

This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page

Due to the high volume of submissions, we are only responding to those that align with our mission and current focus. Thank you for your interest in Seven Seas Press.
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